Pennsylvania's Source For Card & Board Games!

Sword In The Stone Games

Knights of the Round Table

Sword in the Stone is proud to announce the start of our new customer appreciation program – Knights of the Round Table.

This program is to recognize members of our gaming community that go above and beyond for their fellow gamers and are considered paragons of the community as they uphold the culture and values it represents.

Compassion, honor, kinship, and a readiness to help those in need within the community are all attributes that these Knights of the Round Table have shown time and time again.

Master Brewer

Billy C is our Knight being inducted for May 2024!
Billy is our behind the scenes genius who consistently devotes time and energy to supporting events at the store. Not only does he run a fantastic podcast (check out Commander and Coffee!)- but he is a great Tournament Organizer and more for our Magic: The Gathering events. Billy’s sarcastic humor, fierce competitiveness, and unrivaled attention to detail are just one of many reasons why he’s been nominated. Thank you, Billy!

King Clixer

Jeff D. is our Knight being inducted for April 2024!
Jeff -affectionately known in the store as Jeffafa-is full of laughter and joy. He is a champion for the HeroClix community and runs games weekly, doing anything necessary to make sure new and skilled players alike have a great time. Jeff’s warm humor and commitment are a gift to anyone who knows him.
Thank you, Jeff!

Knights of the Round Table Members